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Rabu, 17 Juli 2019


Hi ... Welcome back to my channel, on the 'Dunia Internet' blog.

Tecracoin is a company in the name of Tecra Ltd in Poland. The user who buys TecraCoin have to under entities of the understanding user about cryptocurrency or their self should know about cryptocurrency. It is about how complex the software based on blockchain technology. It means that, before the beginner tries to use TecraCoin they should understand firstly about blockchain, why? It is because they never know about the risk. In TecraCoin they can get the risk to lose the ICO. This is included about the tax and law. So, this article will give more explanation about TecraCoin before you try to operate blockchain.

The improvement of technology, make the team of TecraCoin act their process. TecraCoin is a platform to improve the capital which is support with high technology. There is a guarantee that transparency is available on this internet platform. TecraCoin gets the idea from three kinds of the group:
1. Community
2. Scientists
3. Investors
In the real world, there is a gap between theory and implementation. This is the problem why you should use TecraCoin because there is lack of blockchain technology accessible to a real business. A number of platforms do not give profit. There is no consistency for the quality of technology, very long process of research to its realization. TecraCoin provides some solution to all problem in the blockchain technology:

1. TecraCoin is a company that supports the real product
2. TecraCoin included in the cryptocurrency based on PoW in the fair distribution
3. TecraCoin give access to specialist and experienced lawyers
4. TecraCoin promise to give good investor places
5. TecraCoin is a website platform when all scientists developed their idea
6. TecraCoin make sure that the implementation of capital movement in every stage website
7. TecraCoin is a friendly platform for investor

The user buys TecraCoin and gives the funds for commercialized. The business expert and scientist choose the best project and then ask to vote in the community. The voting by using portfolio and the chosen one will get funds for the implementation. The team of Tecra created a purpose to commercializes the choose one. Tecra will receive the benefit and promote the project. The investor can sell it in the stock exchange (crypto deposit) to a certain time. They will accept the crypto interest in technology that already developed by Tecra company. It has a commitment to purchase TecraCoin from allocation market around 70 percent of profit. The market price becomes the purchase price. Tecra will let the TCR as part of ICO and then collect it for the next project.

Total supply coin is around two hundred ten million TCR. The code of TecraCoin is TCR. Features in this coin are Zerocoin and Masternodes. PoW is the consensus algorithm. The maturity is four hundred with using twenty-four number transaction. So, it was amazing to use TecraCoin if you want to develop your research.

Thank You for Reading My Article About Tecracoin
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Author Information
Name: Ridwan.P
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=795655

1 komentar:

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