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Selasa, 16 Juli 2019


Hi ... Welcome back to my channel, on the 'Dunia Internet' blog.


In the last decades, there is a trend shown by cryptocurrency user. The trend included some developments in many aspects of cryptocurrency like the websites, platform, token, security, coins, and blockchain system. Dapps becomes more popular in this era. It is because of the big advantage of Dapps through other application. There are a project namely Dabanking many missions to build the environment of Dapps with entertainment service and optimal user experience. Dabanking uses Ethereum Blockchain to its user. It is from DAB TOKEN. DAB TOKEN based on the theory of Proof Of Contribution. DAB TOKEN is token mining by certification of dedication. This condition is available when locking Ethereum into reserve funds.


Dabanking community has token foundation namely DAB TOKEN. It is for development of Dabanking community. It is kind of recommended token to use by cryptocurrency user. They can get many rewards related to this token. Before it, the user has to understand the relationship between DAB TOKEN and treasure package. DAB TOKEN will be swapped into Dabanking blockchain with the same time of the announcement of Dabanking Blockchain. The team of Dabanking does not have a method to obtain a DAB TOKEN. They just can exploit a normal user in mining wallet. DAB TOKEN has a maximum supply in smart contract around two hundred million DAB. It is the only way to obtain DAB TOKEN by using mining wallet.


What is the relationship between DAB TOKEN and Treasure Package? The user will meet it in the Dabanking. They should buy Treasure Package to get DAB TOKEN. The value of Treasure Package is calculated in ETH deposit transaction. It is confirmed on Blockchain technology. There is also price on the deposit time. It is only used for a reference. The deposit time is a time when the transaction is verified. If the ETH price is increased, the value of the package will be following increase. On the other hand, when the value of ETH is not increased, the value of Treasure Package will be decreased also. The user cannot buy more than three percent. In this condition, the order of deposit will fail and ETH will return into the user. The last is the user has to operate again.


The user has to buy treasure package to get DAB TOKEN. There is a minimum amount to buy DAB TOKEN. It is around two hundred dollars of Ethereum. That price is based on Coinmarketcap.com. this is the important regulation, and the user should know how many maximum and minimum they can get DAB TOKEN. So, this article is recommended to the user that wants to use DAB TOKEN. They are allowed to get a maximum value of the package in a different time. The maximum value is over five million dollars. The developers can have a function to set a maximum value of Dapp in the package. It can be purchased at a different time.

Thank You for Reading My Article About DAB Token
Visit the link below for more information:

Author Information
Name: Ridwan.P
Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=795655

1 komentar:

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    tempat tinggal saya:. Palangkaraya
    email ku:::teddyliza2020@gmail.com
    kesaksian yang memotivasi saya whatsapp :;l+ 6281617538564
    tujuan pinjaman saya :Investasi / hutang

    Halo semuanya, sekarang dari (bahasa Indonesia [baˈha.sa in.doˈne.sja])/Malay, . Saya seorang janda dengan dua anak dan sejak Februari 2019 karena kebakaran dalam bisnis yang membanjiri bisnis saya dan saya mencoba mencari pinjaman dari bank saya, bank mengatakan dengan saya memiliki kredit buruk sehingga saya mencobanya dengan pemberi pinjaman lain di mana saya bodoh. Tetapi seperti yang Tuhan kehendaki, saya membaca kesaksian AASIMAHA ADILA AHMED LOAN FIRM di majalah bisnis, yang membantu bisnis dan individu dengan pinjaman besar. Saya mengajukan permohonan dan saya telah menerima pinjaman 3,6 miliar rupee dengan tingkat bunga sangat rendah 1% dan rencana pembayaran yang lebih baik. Saya ingin menggunakan media ini untuk memberi tahu Anda bahwa ada banyak scammer di sini. Ambil permintaan peminjam untuk biaya asuransi, Peminjam tidak memiliki sertifikat bisnis, Peminjam palsu tidak peduli dengan gaji bulanan Anda yang membuat Anda memenuhi syarat untuk mendapat pinjaman, peminjam Palsu tidak memiliki alamat kantor fisik. Peminjam palsu meminta biaya pendaftaran dan biaya pajak, peminjam Palsu tidak memiliki situs web. Jika Anda mencari pinjaman, selalu minta pemberi pinjaman untuk situs webnya, karena banyak pemberi pinjaman palsu tidak memiliki alamat dan situs web. Jika Anda menginginkan pinjaman yang sah,Sukses hanya datang bagi mereka yang percaya pada diri mereka sendiri dan siap untuk menang. Saya tidak mengharapkan apa pun selain yang terbaik untuk Anda. Beralih ke tahap baru dalam hidup bisa menjadi proses yang menantang. Semoga Anda beruntung dalam semua upaya masa depan Anda, Anda akan menjadi hebat. ajukan sekarang.

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