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Selasa, 26 November 2019


Hi ... Welcome back to my channel, on the 'Dunia Internet' blog.

In this world, there is a lot of digital coins. One of them is 2Ether. Some of the digital coins based on the Ethereum blockchain. It is the same with 2Ether that based on the Ethereum blockchain. 2Ether is different from the ERC20 token. Why it is different? 2Ether is an independent cryptocurrency with mining incentives and own blockchain. It supported by smart contracts in Solidity. Besides that, 2Ether is compatible with Ethereum dApps. 2Ether has free tools for launch infrastructure projects and implementation of digital payment. all of the digital coins makes the world is a place where they can reach benefit from the user. So, they need to have a lot of users. The more people use their digital coin, the more a company or platform can reach its mission.

2Ether has some purpose. It wants to create an IEO platform which includes the decentralized exchange. 2Ether has an audit system. IEO is very important and popular. It has a function to replace ICOs. IEO has good security because the project is vetted by an exchange. There is some problem in daily life. It is about the cost of the exchange. Sometimes the user has to charge thousand dollars for an ICO without they get the guarantee that they can succeed. 2Ether is the solution to this problem because it offers the decentralized IEO platform where the user finishes all projects. All fee in the 2Ether is distributed for all user. That process makes easy to arrange an IEO in a few days. A new token will be easy to list on the 2Ether exchange. A project can ask for a smart contract audit on the same platform.

The second purpose of 2Ether is to catch the independent of CPU miner from the mining farms to use ASIC hardware. There is important information that block reward in Ethereum cut by a third. The price in the market is low. Ethereum stops to be profitable. Inflation is one of a problem for all kind cryptocurrency. That will give an impact on the user. Their reward will be reduced. 2Ether has a solution with its innovative system dynamic block reward. The condition of base reward is slowly reduced but dynamically adjusted in a short time. So, the miners will get an additional increase.

The last purpose of 2Ether is giving the developer of dApp good audit tools. In the 2Ether, the project can try to use the free audit as the combination of automated testing and reporting by a specific community. There will be a paid audit with multiple reports.  As we know that smart contract audit is important because it helps the investor protect their funds. The explanation above is the solution for a high fee of a blockchain security firm and audit service.

2Ether coin will need some time to implement all of the purposes above. It will launch on the second of December in 2019. Firstly, it will use the standard PoW with rewards. 9 months later, the network will change into a dynamic reward. Contract audit and decentralized exchange will launch following the development of the first launch.

Thank You for Reading My Article About 2Ether
Visit the link below for more information:

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Author Information
Name: Ridwan.P
Profile Bitcointalk:;u=795655

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